PBC Alert 17-005 The Public Building Commission of Chicago (PBC) issued an addendum for the Request for Proposals (RFP) for Design-Build Services for the Daley College Advanced Manufacturing Center. The addendum and all information regarding the Project and the RFP submission requirements, evaluation criteria, and selection process will be posted on the PBC’s website at
and published as required by the Public Building Commission Act. Please send all questions regarding this project via email to Raven DeVaughn: raven.devaughn@cityofchicago.org. Follow this project on Twitter @PBCChi #DaleyAMC Office of Inspector General Complaint Hotline If you see corruption, fraud, waste, or dishonest practices of any kind please report it to the City of Chicago Office of Inspector General (OIG) – PBC’s oversight body. Concerned employees, contractors, consultants, and members of the public may contact OIG via its independent hotline and website. Telephone Reporting: (866) IG-TIPLINE (866-448-4754). Web Reporting: http://ChicagoInspectorGeneral.org/get-Involved