Tonti Elementary School Modular C1571

PBC Alert 15-017 The Public Building Commission of Chicago has invited the four firms which have been pre-qualified to bid on Contract C1571. This modular building is intended to provide additional classrooms to serve Enrico Tonti Elementary School, 5815 South Homan Avenue. The project consists of fabrication and installation of a new 4-classroom modular building. The new modular building will be ordered, delivered, and installed at the project site. The modular building will be placed over spread concrete footings and will be directly connected to an existing 4-classroom modular building installed in 2013. Fire alarm, intercom, and other connections will be made through the existing modular building to the main building. The new modular will make use of existing water and sewer connections where possible. Site improvements may be comprised of storm water management improvements, sidewalks and landscaping. The project is expected to start construction Spring of 2015 and be completed in August of 2015. A copy of the ad can be viewed at: A pre-bid meeting will be held Wednesday, June 3, 2015 at 11:00 a.m., Second Floor Boardroom of the Richard J. Daley Center, 50 West Washington. Sub-contractors and suppliers are invited to attend to meet the pre-qualified contractors bidding on this project. After the pre-bid meeting, a list of firms attending will be added to the Web site ad. Sealed bids shall be received at the Public Building Commission, Richard J. Daley Center, 50 West Washington, Room 200, until 10:30 a.m. Monday, June 8, 2015, at which time they will be publicly opened. Information on this invitation and all of the projects currently open for bid is available at Public Building Commission of Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel, Chairman Erin Lavin Cabonargi, Executive Director Follow this project on Twitter @PBCChi #Tonti Office of Inspector General Complaint Hotline If you see corruption, fraud, waste, or dishonest practices of any kind please report it to the City of Chicago Office of Inspector General (OIG) – PBC’s oversight body. Concerned employees, contractors, consultants, and members of the public may contact OIG via its independent hotline and website. Telephone Reporting: (866) IG-TIPLINE (866-448-4754). Web Reporting: