PBC Alert 09-018 The Public Building Commission has invited the 19 firms, which have been prequalified, to bid on Contract 1491, construction of the West Humboldt Park Branch Library, 733 North Kedzie. A copy of the ad can be found at https://www.pbcchicago.com/content/working/opening_display.asp?BID_ID=297. A pre-bid meeting will be held Tuesday, August 18, 2009 at 10:00 am in the 2nd Floor Board Room of the Richard J. Daley Center, 50 West Washington. Contractors, sub-contractors and suppliers are invited to attend to meet the contractors bidding on this contract. After the pre-bid meeting, a list of firms attending the pre-bid meeting will be added to the Web site ad. Sealed bids shall be received at the Public Building Commission, Richard J. Daley Center, 50 West Washington, Room 200, until 2:00 p.m. Monday, September 17, 2009, at which time they will be publicly opened. Information on this contract and all of the projects currently open for bid is available at www.pbcchicago.com. You have received this e-mail because you have subscribed to PBC Alerts. If you do not wish to receive such alerts, you may unsubscribe at https://www.pbcchicago.com/content/working/pbc_sub_contractor_alerts.asp. Public Building Commission of Chicago Mayor Richard M. Daley, Chairman Erin Lavin Cabonargi, Executive Director