Chicago Department of Transportation (CDOT) Capital Improvement Projects

These Projects are part of Capital Improvement Projects being developed on behalf of the City of Chicago’s Department of Transportation (CDOT)

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News and Updates

Project, located at W. Medill Avenue from N. Oak Park Avenue to N. Normandy Avenue, being developed on behalf of City of Chicago’s Department of Transportation (CDOT).

Procurement Details

View the Construction Contract procurement details here:

Contract Information

Engineer Of Record: Civiltech Engineering (by CDOT)

General Contractor (GC): Sumit Construction Co. Inc

GC Contract: C1603

Press Releases

Project, located at West Fillmore Street from South Campbell Avenue to Dead End West, being developed on behalf of City of Chicago’s Department of Transportation (CDOT).

Procurement Details

View the Construction Contract procurement details here:

Contract Information

Engineer of Record: Civiltech Engineering (by CDOT)

General Contractor (GC):  MQ Sewer & Water Contractors, Inc. DBA MQ Construction Company

GC Contract:  C1605

Pay Applications

Press Releases

Projects being developed on behalf of City of Chicago’s Department of Transportation (CDOT) at the following locations:

  • South Central Park Avenue from West 75th Place to West 75th Street
  • East 91st Street from South Woodlawn Avenue to South Avalon Avenue

Procurement Details

View the Construction Contract procurement details here:

Contract Information

Engineer of Record: CDOT

General Contractor (GC): Sumit Construction Company, Inc

GC Contract:  C1608

Pay Applications

Press Releases

Projects being developed on behalf of City of Chicago’s Department of Transportation (CDOT) at the following locations:

  • Belle Plaine (Ward 47)
  • Roscoe/Clark (Ward 44)
  • Waveland/Troy (Ward 33)
  • Hollywood/Hermitage (Ward 40)
  • Glenlake/Paulina (Ward 40)
  • Wilson/Sunnyside (Ward 33)
  • North Shore/Artesian (Ward 50)

Procurement Details

View the Construction Contract procurement details here:

Contract Information

Engineer of Record: CDOT

General Contractor (GC): Sumit Construction Company, Inc.

GC Contract: C1607

Pay Applications

Press Releases

Projects being developed on behalf of City of Chicago’s Department of Transportation (CDOT) at the following locations:

  • West 100th Street from South Peoria Street to South Halsted Street
  • South Homan Avenue from West 37th Place to Dead End North
  • South Short Street from South Eleanor Street to South Hillock Avenue

Procurement Details

View the Construction Contract procurement details here:

Engineer of Record: CDOT

General Contractor (GC): Sumit Construction Company, Inc.

GC Contract: C1609

Pay Applications

Press Releases

Morgan Shoal Project

The Morgan Shoal Revetment Reconstruction Project is located along the Lake Michigan shoreline between 45th and 51st Streets.  The project study area is located within the larger 650-acre Burnham Park which stretches along the Chicago lakefront from the Museum Campus south to Jackson Park. This project is the latest phase of the Chicago Shoreline Protection Project, a long-term shoreline reconstruction project undertaken by the Chicago Department of Transportation (CDOT), the Chicago Park District (CPD), and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE).  In conjunction with its partners, the Public Building Commission of Chicago (PBC) is managing the development of planning, design, procurement, and construction of the Morgan Shoal Revetment Reconstruction project.

The PBC, in collaboration with CPD, CDOT and USACE, has engaged a project team led by SmithGroup to design the revetment reconstruction. The proposed design for the project will reflect the conceptual designs that resulted from the 2014-2015 Framework Plan process. While some refinements to the shore protection arrangement are anticipated, the coastal structures will include a combination of rubble mound and dynamic revetment, stepped stone blocks, and a transition section of steel sheet pile and concrete revetment to connect to the existing structure at 51st Street. The project will add up to approximately seven acres of new usable parkland by providing more width to the narrowest parts of the park. The additional space will allow for a dual trail system and will create separation between park users and DuSable Lake Shore Drive.

The defining feature of the project segment is the near-offshore geologic formation known as the Morgan Shoal. One of many shoals in the area, the Morgan Shoal is a bedrock formation of dolomite limestone formed 300 million years ago that protrudes almost to the surface of Lake Michigan. The shallow water depths reduce the incident wave conditions and the shallow bedrock makes sheet-pile-based shoreline protection systems difficult to construct, therefore, it presents an opportunity for alternative shore protection measures.

The design is intended to provide additional passive and active recreational opportunities, as well as a new comfort station, improved viewpoints at 47th Street and 51st Street, and enhanced connectivity for trail users. A balance will be struck between traditional park green space and new, diverse natural areas supporting indigenous flora and fauna, particularly migratory birds.

The Morgan Shoal reconstruction will provide a degree of coastal protection and flood damage reduction in keeping with the broader Chicago Shoreline Protection Project. This project will also provide an important link along the Lake Michigan waterfront to create an active, interesting, and educational place for people to visit, in keeping with the 1999 Burnham Park Framework Plan and the 2015 Morgan Shoal Framework Plan

Contract Information

Architect of Record – SmithGroup

Procurement Details

To view the Morgan Shoal procurement details Click here

FAQ – Physical Infrastructure

1. What are the primary proposed shoreline protection features?
o The majority of the new shoreline protection will be constructed with large armor stone. In addition, there will be a portion of smaller cobble (“pebble”) dynamic revetment, and an ADA accessible transition to the existing steel/concrete revetment at 51st Street.

2. What are the plans with all the existing limestone blocks?
o To the extent technically possibly, many of the existing limestone blocks will be salvaged and re-used in areas where they will be visible to Chicago Park District (“CPD”) park users. Some of the blocks will become seating, while others will be incorporated into a stepped feature behind the dynamic revetment.

3. Can the entire restoration be done with existing limestone, and make it look like steps?
o No. This area has been heavily degraded by storms and has had several prior repairs. There is insufficient material for the entire project to be re-built with existing limestone, and many of the existing stones are damaged. However, many of the existing blocks will be re-used away from direct wave attack.

4. Will any of the new shoreline protection block Morgan Shoal?
o No. The proposed project does not include placing any fill material on any part of the Shoal.

5. From these various viewpoints, will I be able to see the lake: Driving on DuSable Lake Shore Drive, walking or riding a bike on the lakefront trail?
o Yes. The new shoreline protection will be higher than the existing shoreline. Views from certain areas along DuSable Lake Shore Drive (DLSD) roadway will vary. The Lakefront Trail (“LFT”) will be raised in places to provide views over the new shoreline protection.

6. Will the project add parking?
o No. The project area does not include parking currently and there is no vehicular access on the east side of DLSD. No new parking is anticipated.

7. No new parking is proposed as part of this project, what are the opportunities for me to bring my family to this park?
o There is existing close proximity public parking west of DLSD at 47th Street and at 51st Street.

8. How does this project relate to the conditions and proposed project at Promontory Point?
o The Morgan Shoal Revetment Reconstruction Project is completely separate from Promontory Point, which is a Chicago City Landmark designed by Alfred Caldwell and is listed on the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP). The proposed design for Morgan Shoal is site-specific, and a future separate project at Promontory Point will be initiated at some time in the future, which will adhere to the Secretary of Interior’s Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties with Guidelines for Preserving, Rehabilitating, Restoring, and Reconstructing Historic Buildings.

9. Are any new bridges proposed to improve access to this part of the Lakefront?
o Not at this time. The existing bridges at 47th Street and 51st Street will remain as they currently are.

10. Does the project protect / enhance the existing pebble beach?
o Yes. The proposed project will expand the zone of “dynamic revetment” and add approximately 2 acres of cobble-size material. Existing pebble material that can be salvaged, will be incorporated into the new dynamic revetment.

11. Will the project add more sheet pile and concrete?
o Yes. At the south end of the project area (51st Street) there will be about 500 feet of steel / concrete ADA accessible revetment that will connect to the existing structure and create a smooth transition for access.

FAQ – Recreation / Landscape Features

12. What water-recreation will be permitted at the project site
o That activity is still to be determined.

13. Will swimming be permitted?
o This area is not a designated swimming area or planned to be a beach.

14. Will the Park District staff this area with lifeguards?
o No. The Chicago Park District has no plans for this area to be staffed with lifeguards but will contain life rings for emergency purposes will be added.

15. Will the existing washroom building be replaced?
o Yes. There will be a new comfort station building provided with ADA accessible facilities and a shade structure. The comfort station will be an all-gender restroom with high privacy toilet partitions and the design will incorporate images of the existing building murals. In addition, there will be dedicated space for vending machines.

16. What are the hours of access/times of year availability of the new comfort station?
o The new comfort station will be a seasonal facility like the existing washroom building and will be open Spring/Summer/Fall and closed during the winter.

17. What is happening to the murals/materials of the old comfort station?
o While artist Jeff Zimmerman’s 2012 temporary mural, Don’t Feed the Seagulls, is a distinctive and much-admired work of art on the lakefront, the wood siding that the mural was painted on has disintegrated to a point where it is not feasible to preserve.

18. How much of the park will be lawn vs. natural landscape?
o About 3/4 of the parkland will be lawn, and the remaining 1/4 vegetated with natural area plantings.

19. Will any trees be removed as part of this project?
o The vast majority of trees in the project area (367 trees) will remain and will be protected during construction. However, due to the transformative nature of the project, some trees will need to be removed (52 trees.) Of the 52 trees that will be removed, 24 are small, immature trees; 7 are in fair condition; 3 are in good condition; and none are classified as specimen condition. The remaining 18 are in poor condition. In addition, a number of “volunteer” weed trees clustered within the formerly-fenced storage area near the 51st street pedestrian bridge will be removed.

o Approximately 149 new trees (with 3” diameter trunks) will be planted to replace the trees that have to be removed.

20. Will the park have any native planting?
o Yes. The completed park area will include three new natural upland areas with a combined area of over four acres, featuring native grasses, perennials, shrubs and trees inspired by Chicago area native plant communities (dunes, prairies, and savannas.) These areas will look and feel similar to natural areas in other Chicago parks, including those found throughout Burnham Park and the Burnham Wildlife Corridor. The majority of the park area (78%) will consist of standard turf grass (lawn) with occasional trees, including many of the currently existing ones, and will look much like the parkland you see today.

21. Will the proposed improvements include separated Lakefront Trails?
o Yes. The project will include a complete rebuild of separated pedestrian and bicycle Lakefront Trails?

22. What new recreational features will be added?
o The project includes several new walking paths to access the lakefront and benches, water fountains and interpretive signage distributed throughout the area.

23. Why can’t you add a fitness station somewhere
o If demand is high, fitness station(s) can be added. Ideal locations are where they can be maintained by CPD staff and have high visibility.

24. What happened to the sea organ / wave chimes?
o Public art at the site will be determined at a later date, and an auditory installation is planned at the new Comfort Station

25. Are you doing anything to the Silver Spray shipwreck?
o No. The area of the shipwreck will remain as is and unimpacted by the construction.

FAQ – Construction Schedule

26. When will construction start?
o There is no target date for construction to start at the moment.

27. When will construction be complete?
o Construction is expected to take about 3 years.

28. What facilities will be open / closed during construction?
o Yes. A shared (bicycle and pedestrian) lakefront trail will remain open at all times and be temporarily re-routed around the construction zone. Access to the park via 47th Street and 51st Street pedestrian bridges will be unimpeded.

29. Will the Lakefront Trail be open during construction?
o Yes. The trail will remain open at all times but may be temporarily re-routed to avoid active construction zones.

30. Will the existing washroom be open during construction?
o No. The existing building will be demolished as part of the construction, to make way for a new CPD Comfort Station. The nearest facilities at 41st Street, 43rd Street, Promontory Point and 57th Street will remain open and follow the normal CPD lakefront seasonal schedule.

FAQ – Additional Questions

31. How much will this project cost, and who is paying for it?
o Documents are being developed for confirmation of the project estimate for the work. The funding sources are from the City of Chicago, Chicago Park District and Federal Agencies, including the US Army Corps of Engineers.

32. What ADA facilities will be available on site?
o All new paths / facilities will be designed per the Illinois Accessibility Code. This will include accessible toilets at the comfort station, multi-level drinking fountains, and the connection to the existing revetment south of 51st Street will open up a new stretch of lakefront with ADA-compliant routes.

33. What environmental protections are in place? What is being protected?
o Most of the existing on-site trees will be protected during construction. A few trees will have to be removed, most of which are in poor condition or located in non-sustainable areas. All trees that are removed will be done so outside of the migratory bird seasons and bat-roosting periods. Removed trees will be replaced with new trees. In addition, there will be restrictions on in-water construction work between November and April each year so as not to disturb habitat for the mudpuppy (a native amphibian) population.

34. Why have we not heard about this project before?
o This project has been discussed on and off for several decades, first during the Burnham Park Framework Plan creation in 1999, and again during the early 2000s, and most recently in 2014-15 during the Morgan Shoal Framework Plan.

35. What public safety measures will be in place at the new comfort station? How to deter vandalism etc.?
o The project will include new lighting, in and around the comfort station, and throughout the park along the lakefront trail. The new building will be made of robust concrete materials with designed patterning for an inviting structure. The new separated pedestrian and bicycle Lakefront Trail will enhance traffic patterns and help to eliminate congestion with ample signage for users.

Joint Public Safety Training Campus

The Chicago Joint Public Safety Training Campus will be a new state-of-the-art facility to serve the city’s continued efforts to provide comprehensive, joint, best practice training for the Chicago Fire Department (CFD), the Chicago Police Department (CPD), and the Office of Emergency Management and Communications (OEMC).

The campus will expand the City’s ability to prepare for new and emerging threats through joint-training exercises and address inadequacies of the City’s existing training facilities.

The JPSTC will be a modern training campus that will encompass multiple enhancements and operational training improvements including: community spaces, computer labs, classrooms, indoor and outdoor scenario training, indoor shooting range, vehicle training and burn props.

The campus will be located at is 4433 W Chicago Ave on the site of an old railroad yard.

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PBC Alerts is a free email service that notifies you each time contracts are offered for bid or professional qualifications are sought.

News and Updates

12.9.21 – Joint Public Safety Training Campus Match Making Event

2.1.22PBC Partners with Hire360: Click Here for Interest Form

2.18.22PBC Hiring Opportunities: Click Here for Interest Form

3.1.22 @ 6PM – Please join the ward offices of Alderman Christopher Taliaferro (Ward 29) and Alderman Emma Mitts (Ward 37) along with the Chicago Department of Transportation (CDOT) for the second Virtual Community Meeting on the Austin Corridor Improvements.

Click here to Register in advance for this webinar  

4.14.22The PBC at HACIA

5.5.22Subcontractor Outreach for Joint Public Safety Training Campus

5.11.22Community Hiring Opportunity

5.25.22Community Hiring Opportunity

6.03.22Community Hiring Opportunity

6.07.22Community Hiring Opportunity

6.28.22Community Hiring Opportunity

The Chicago Joint Public Safety Training Campus will deepen and strengthen the training capabilities of both new and current police officers, firefighters and paramedics, allowing for comprehensive cross-training among departments.  Additionally, it is an investment in the West Side of Chicago to bring improved connectivity between residents and public safety personnel.

The JPSTC construction project will have three phases. Phase 1 Main academy building and site work;  Phase 1A Community Center (Boys and Girls Club of Chicago) and two restaurants (Peach’s and Culver’s); and Phase 2 Outdoor scenario village.

Phase 1 is not part of the Public Building Commission’s scope of work. If you would like additional information regarding Phase 1, please click this link to go to the Public Safety Community Builders Joint Venture (PSCB JV).

Boys and Girls Club of Chicago is not part of the Public Building Commission’s scope of work. If you would like additional information regarding the Boys and Girls Club of Chicago, please click this link.

PSCB Matchmaking Event 12/9/21

WGN9 Midday FIX Presents JPSTC

The Project scope for Phase 01A includes core and shell construction and limited interior buildout of two restaurant tenants (“Peaches” and “Culvers”), site remediation, Public Right of Way (PROW) improvements, and associated site development (landscaping, courtyard amenities, site lighting, etc.).

The Peach’s restaurant building is anticipated to be a single-story as a sit-down restaurant with no drive-thru service.

The Culver’s restaurant building is anticipated to be a single-story structure designated as a fast casual restaurant with a drive-thru service.

Procurement Details

View the Design-Build procurement details for Joint Public Safety Training Campus Phase 1A (Outlot Restaurant Area) Click here

Contract Informations

Feasibility Study conducted by Architect Latent Design Corporation – PS3054

Design Builder BOWA Construction

Outlot Restaurant Area Updates

Community Area Map JPSTC Map Phase 1A

Project Labor Agreement City of Chicago: Multi-Project Labor Agreement

Pre-Submission Conference

The Project scope for Phase 2 includes construction of Tactical Village Structures which include a tactical multi-story mixed use building, a residential two flat and three flat block, a six story live fire burn tower, a multi-story mixed use live fire building, a technical rescue prop, an auto extrication area, a Haz-Mat transportation area, a rail prop area and a driver training course, and site development.

Procurement Details

View the Design-Build procurement details for Joint Public Safety Training Campus Phase 2 (Outdoor Scenario Structures) Click here

Contract Information

Design Architect DLR Group – PS1395 Contract

Design Builder  Berglund/Brown & Momen JV, LLC

Outdoor Scenario Training Area Updates

Community Area Map JPSTC Map Phase 02

Project Labor Agreement City of Chicago: Multi-Project Labor Agreement

Pre-Submission Conference

Salt Dome Replacement Facility (Grand Avenue)

The PBC Board  approved an Undertaking Request for the delivery of a Salt Dome Facility at the existing salt pile site at Grand and Rockwell.

Community Update – Salt Dome (Grand Ave) 1/28/21 Link:

“Salt Dome — No, It’s Not A Giant Golf Ball — Nears Completion On Grand Avenue In Ukrainian Village”:


Follow this project on Twitter @PBCChi #Grandavestorage

Read Dunning Salt Storage Structure

This project includes the development of a new salt dome storage structure and associated site work at an existing salt storage site. Now an efficiently-assembled, cost-effective dome protects the road salt and sand needed for Chicago’s northwest side.

View other City of Chicago projects here.

Chicago Children’s Advocacy Center Expansion

The Chicago Children’s Advocacy Center (ChicagoCAC) is an innovative not-for-profit facility that co-houses all the City and State agencies that investigate allegations of sexual abuse of children, and provide social services to child victims and their families. PBC managed the construction of the center’s original facility in 2001, but with over 3,000 children and family members coming through the center for aid every year, ChicagoCAC outgrew its space. So, in 2015, the PBC supervised the design and construction a two-story, 18,900 square foot expansion to the Center.

ChicagoCAC is one of the largest children’s advocacy centers in the country and one of only a few at which all partner agencies are co-located. This added an extra level of care, planning, and attention to the collaboration needs of these parties. Teamwork, cooperation, and partnership needs were at the center of every conversation regarding the new design, with input from the building staff, onsite partners, a board of directors, and several community leaders.

“The unique nature of the ChicagoCAC is the collaboration. We are the only organization in the City that does this collaborative work with the Chicago Police Department, Department of Children and Family Services, Cook County State’s Attorney’s Office, and Stroger Hospital. We do it all in this child-friendly Center.”

– Char Rivette, Executive Director, Chicago Children’s Advocacy Center

PBC worked in close partnership with the ChicagoCAC to understand its new needs, synthesize those needs with its current uses, and respect the building’s original architecture while reflecting its current and future mission. As a civic cornerstone to the City of Chicago, several public partners were involved in the development of the final design of the addition, including the Chicago Police Department, the office of the States Attorney, the Cook County Health and Hospital Systems, and the Department of Children and Family Services.

“The collaboration and expertise that the PBC brought to the table for this very special user group ensured the success of this project. This project required certain sensitivities outside of the typical program. The PBC ensured we were all working together toward the collective goals of the ChicagoCAC. This was not specific to the design process, but the entire process. The General Contractor, IHC, carried this approach through construction, creating an open and collaborative process that was easy for all to work with.”

– Jan Behounek, Project Manager, Holabird & Root

From the beginning, it was the understanding of both the developers and designers that any addition required an appropriate response to the beloved architecture of the legacy building. Chicago architect Stanley Tigerman incorporated child-friendly elements into each aspect of his design, including bright colors and an abundance of natural light. The new 18,000-square-foot expansion, which doubles the size of the original center, respects the scale, materials and intent of the original building.  The interior and exterior of our building are brightly colored to mimic a playhouse or castle that a child might design. Windows sit low so that children can see out and plenty of light can come in. The main entry lobby interiors subtly incorporate the playful colors from the exterior façade, drawing visitors in to the heart of the building.

The addition has enabled the ChicagoCAC to expand its services and programs to its families. The additional space increased and number of child-and-family-friendly spaces, shaped the physical environment to enhance collaboration among teams, and doubled the mental health program capacity by adding staff and dedicated space. The new training space allows the ChicagoCAC to further expand its programs, as well as outreach and fundraising efforts, by offering a space to accommodate 100 people.

The entire facility is designed to be under operation 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. With that in mind, the aesthetic and environmental aspects of the spaces both inside and outside of the building incorporated several sustainability goals, and the new addition has achieved LEED Gold certification.

More information on the legacy facility can be found here.
More photos on Flickr.

Retrofit One

The PBC worked with the Chicago Infrastructure Trust to oversee the Retrofit One program, a component of Retrofit Chicago. This citywide initiative upgraded city-owned buildings to be more energy efficient without using taxpayer dollars. 60 public buildings—police stations, libraries, community centers and other facilities—received 114 energy upgrades, increasing energy efficiency and reducing energy costs.


  • Covers more than 5 million square feet of space
  • Guaranteed to reduce annual utility consumption by $1.4M, or an estimated 18% annually
  • 114 energy conservation projects:
    • Lighting
    • HVAC upgrades
    • Digital controls
    • Building envelope weatherization

Overall stats:

  • CO2 elimination equivalent to removing 2,896 cars from the road
  • 1,500 occupancy sensors installed
  • 29,000 light bulbs replaced
  • 36 new or upgraded Building Automation Systems installed
  • 35 buildings added to Global Building Monitoring System



Stock Yards National Bank Stabilization Project

Saving a Landmark

Chicago’s historic Stock Yards National Bank Building is ready for redevelopment and a new life after our stabilization efforts.


Preserving the Past, Looking to the Future

Chicago is renowned for its architecture and landmark buildings, many of which extend beyond downtown to neighborhoods rich with history and tradition. For more than a century, Chicago was the meat processing capital of the world. Chicago’s Union Stock Yards were known around the world. Today, more than four decades after the last meat processing plant closed, the former stock yards area is home to a thriving industrial park that offers opportunities for future growth and development. At the request of the City of Chicago’s Department of Planning and Development, the PBC oversaw the stabilization of the landmarked Stock Yards National Bank building. Completed in 1925, the building housed two banks that served the businesses and employees of the stock yards and nearby manufacturing district. Designed with Palladian windows and a central clock tower, the building is modeled after Independence Hall in Philadelphia. It was designed by Abraham Epstein, a Chicago architect and engineer best known for his designs for the reconstruction of the Union Stock Yards after a fire in 1934.

After sitting vacant for more than two decades, the building was in disrepair and needed stabilization so the City could market the property to prospective buyers for redevelopment. The PBC oversaw the necessary repairs and improvements in order to reduce weather related damage to the building. The work included stabilizing existing sections of deteriorated masonry and terra cotta, repairs to previous efforts to manage rainwater, and work to reduce water infiltration into the building. Today, the building is secure and protected from the elements as the City pursues redevelopment opportunities for this historic property.

View more photos of this project on Flickr.

Michael Reese Hospital Demolition

2012 – The PBC completed the demolition of the former campus of the Michael Reese Hospital in Douglas Park, preparing the site for future redevelopment.

Ramova Theater Stabilization Project

PBC will be implementing a building stabilization project for DHED. The project will consist of necessary masonry repairs including selective parapet cap repair, tuck-pointing and masonry replacement due to extensive water damage along the north, south, and west elevations. In addition there will be the selective removal and securing of terracotta units along the east elevation of Ramova Theater building.